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更新時間:2013-01-21   點擊次數:2113次

ATCC is an independent, private, nonprofit biological resource center (BRC) and research organization.

As a biological resource center ATCC authenticates microorganisms and cell lines and manages logistics of long-term preservation and distribution of cultures for the scientific community. ATCC supports the cultures it acquires and authenticates with expert technical support, inlectual property management and characterization data.

As a research organization, ATCC works to generate new knowledge and technology, as well as to continuously improve its function as a BRC. ATCC scientists develop new in vitro model systems, describe new species, search for new disease biomarkers and build bodies of characterization data for valuable biological materials. In addition, they study improved methods for characterization, long-term preservation and optimal authentication of biological materials.

ATCC is a global nonprofit bioresource center and research organization that provides biological products, technical services and educational programs to private industry, government and academic organizations. Our mission is to acquire, authenticate, preserve, develop, standardize and distribute biological materials and information, for the advancement and application of scientific knowledge.

The ATCC vision is to use our resources and experience as a biological resource center to be the recognized leader in biological reference materials — particularly in the acquisition of new content, development of reference standards using our unique assets, and thought leadership around how biological research can be improved through standardization and certification of biomaterials.

ATCC is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. The culture fees paid by purchasers support the functions of our mission.

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