

熱門關鍵詞:進口ELISA試劑盒,人ELISA試劑盒,大鼠elisa試劑盒價格,小鼠elisa試劑盒價格,豬elisa試劑盒,雞elisa試劑盒,兔elisa試劑盒,魚elsa試劑盒,其他種屬elisa試劑盒,豚鼠elisa試劑盒,倉鼠elisa試劑盒,裸鼠ELISA試劑盒,進口試劑,血清,動物血清,人血清,胎牛血清,氨基酸試劑,培養基,顯色培養基,大腸桿菌O157培養基,細菌總數培養基,金黃色葡萄球菌檢驗培養基,沙門氏菌/賀氏菌檢驗培養基, 弧菌檢驗培養基,其他培養基,酵母 霉菌 青霉 曲霉培養基, 李斯特氏菌檢驗培養基,抗體,二抗,一抗,生物試劑,酶生物試劑,蛋白質試劑,抗生素試劑,植物激素及核酸試劑,碳水化合物試劑,色素試劑,維生素試劑,表面活性劑,緩沖試劑,其他生化試劑,標準品對照品類,對照品,對照藥材,標準品,標準試劑,Spectrum試劑,美國藥典級試劑等

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更新時間:2015-08-20   點擊次數:1432次


Click below to explore any of our product lines...

Immunoassay Reagents
for Chemistry Analyzers

Immunoturbidimetric Assays For
Clinical Diagnostics & Research Use

These products can be used on most chemistry analyzers, such as Roche, Cobas, Hitachi, Beckman, Olympus, Siemens, Bayer, Dade, Abbott, Alfa Wassermann, and many more!

Research ELISAs

We manufacture thousands of ELISA kits for research use testing of human samples. Our ELISA catalog spans numerous research interests and we offer many esoteric and difficult to find tests.

Animal/Preclinical ELISAs

We manufacture thousands of ELISA kits for preclinical and research use testing of animal samples. Many of these assay and species combinations cannot be found anywhere else!


We offer more than 1,300 monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies for your needs. Host species include mouse, rabbit, rat, sheep, hamster, guinea pig, goat, and chicken.


We have more than 200 biochemicals. These products include recombinants, substrates, inhibitors, polymerases, inducers, and other useful biochemicals for your lab.

Cell Cultures

We also offer a line of cell culture kits. These kits are useful for work with mouse or rat osteoclasts and also for cryopreservation.

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