

熱門關鍵詞:進口ELISA試劑盒,人ELISA試劑盒,大鼠elisa試劑盒價格,小鼠elisa試劑盒價格,豬elisa試劑盒,雞elisa試劑盒,兔elisa試劑盒,魚elsa試劑盒,其他種屬elisa試劑盒,豚鼠elisa試劑盒,倉鼠elisa試劑盒,裸鼠ELISA試劑盒,進口試劑,血清,動物血清,人血清,胎牛血清,氨基酸試劑,培養基,顯色培養基,大腸桿菌O157培養基,細菌總數培養基,金黃色葡萄球菌檢驗培養基,沙門氏菌/賀氏菌檢驗培養基, 弧菌檢驗培養基,其他培養基,酵母 霉菌 青霉 曲霉培養基, 李斯特氏菌檢驗培養基,抗體,二抗,一抗,生物試劑,酶生物試劑,蛋白質試劑,抗生素試劑,植物激素及核酸試劑,碳水化合物試劑,色素試劑,維生素試劑,表面活性劑,緩沖試劑,其他生化試劑,標準品對照品類,對照品,對照藥材,標準品,標準試劑,Spectrum試劑,美國藥典級試劑等

產品中心您現在的位置:首頁 > 產品展示 > ELISA試劑盒 > 人ELISA試劑盒 > 銷售人巨噬細胞趨化因子(MCF)ELISA試劑盒







Human macrophage chemotatic factor,MCF ELISA Kit

Reagent Kit.

120 times concentrated washing solution 20ml × 1 3ml× 1 bottles of 7 terminated liquid bottle

The 2 enzyme reagent 3ml ×1 bottles of 8 standard 960 μ g/L 0.5ml ×1 bottles

The 3 enzyme encapsulated plate 12 holes x 4 9 standard dilution of 1.5ml ×1 bottles

4 sample dilution 3ml ×1 bottles of 10 Manual 1

5 chromogenic reagent A fluid 3ml×1 bottles of 11 sealing plate film 2

6 chromogenic reagent B 3ml×12 1/ bottles of liquid sealing bag 1

Specimen requirements

1 specimens were collected after early extraction, extraction according to the related literature, after extracting the experiment should be conducted as soon as possible. If not immediay put the sample to test, can be stored at -20 ° C, but should avoid repeated freezing and thawing

2 could not be detected in the samples with NaN3, because NaN3 inhibition of horseradish peroxidase HRP activity.

Operation steps

Standard dilution: the kit provides raw times standard a, the user can according to the following chart in the small test tube dilution.

480 μ g/L 5 standard 150μl of the original times standard added 150 μ l standard dilution buffer

240 μ g/L 4 standard 150μL 5 standard added 150 μ l standard dilution buffer

120 μ g/L 3 standard 150μL 4 standard added 150 μ l standard dilution buffer

60 μ g/L 2 standard 150μL 3 standard added 150 μ l standard dilution buffer

30 μ g/L 1 standard 150μL 2 standard added 150 μ l standard dilution buffer

Sample: blank hole are respectively arranged blank hole without sample and enzyme reagent, the remaining steps the same, standard orifice, sample hole. In the enzyme coated board standard accurate sample adding 50 μ L, sample hole Zhongxian sample dilution of 40 μ L, then add the sample of 10μ L final dilution of the sample for 5 times). Sample sample on the enzyme labeled plate hole bottom, try not to touch the wall holes, gently shake mix.

Incubation: sealing plate membrane sealing plate is 37 ℃incubation for 30 minutes.

Liquid : 20 times concentrated washing solution with distilled water after 20 times dilution standby


Washing: carefully off the sealing plate membrane, abandoned to the liquid, drying, each hole is filled with a washing liquid, standing for 30 seconds after discarding, so repeated 5 times, pat dry.

Human macrophage chemotatic factor,MCF ELISA Kit     

Enzyme: each hole joining enzyme reagent 50 μ L, with the exception of blank hole.

Incubation: operation with 3.

Washing: operation with 5.

Color: each hole to join the chromogenic reagent A50μ L, adding chromogenic reagent B50μ L, gently shake mix, 37 ℃light color for 15 minutes.

Termination: each hole and terminated liquid 50μ L, termination reaction the blue vertical turn yellow.

Determination of air conditioning: with blank zero, 450nm wavelength in order to measure the absorbance OD) hole. Determination should be in plus termination solution within 15 minutes after the for.


With a standard concentration as abscissa, OD as ordinate, on coordinate paper draw the standard curve, according to samples by the standard curve was found corresponding concentration; multiplied by the dilution factor; or standard concentration was calculated with standard curve equation of linear regression, sample od into the equation, calculation out of sample concentration, multiplied by the dilution factor, namely the actual sample concentration.

Matters needing attention

The 1 kit from refrigerated removed should be at room temperature balance 15-30 minutes before use, enzyme encapsulated plate in Kaifeng such as unused, slats into sealed bag should be stored in.

2 concentrated washing solution may crystallization, when diluted in water bath heating dissolution, washing does not affect the result.

3 step sampling shall be use the sample injector, and often to check that the accuracy, in order to avoid the test error. A sample time best control in 5 minutes, such as specimen number, recommended the use of volley sample.

Please each measurement and standard curve, the best do complex holes. If the specimen substance to be determined in the content is too high sample od than standard hole of the first hole OD), please use the sample dilution dilution of certain multiple n times) after the measurement, calculation when you finally multiplied by the total dilution× n ×5).

Sealing plate membrane only one-time use, to avoid cross contamination.

The 6 substrate please keep in dark place.

7 strictly in accordance with the manual operation, test results must be with the enzyme mark instrument readings shall prevail.

8 of all samples, the washing liquid and a variety of waste should be according to the infection treatment.

The 9 different reagent batch components not mix.

10 such as with English instructions are different, with English instructions shall prevail.

Preservation conditions and period of validity

The 1 Kit: 2-8preservation.

The 2 period: 6 months


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