

熱門關鍵詞:進口ELISA試劑盒,人ELISA試劑盒,大鼠elisa試劑盒價格,小鼠elisa試劑盒價格,豬elisa試劑盒,雞elisa試劑盒,兔elisa試劑盒,魚elsa試劑盒,其他種屬elisa試劑盒,豚鼠elisa試劑盒,倉鼠elisa試劑盒,裸鼠ELISA試劑盒,進口試劑,血清,動物血清,人血清,胎牛血清,氨基酸試劑,培養基,顯色培養基,大腸桿菌O157培養基,細菌總數培養基,金黃色葡萄球菌檢驗培養基,沙門氏菌/賀氏菌檢驗培養基, 弧菌檢驗培養基,其他培養基,酵母 霉菌 青霉 曲霉培養基, 李斯特氏菌檢驗培養基,抗體,二抗,一抗,生物試劑,酶生物試劑,蛋白質試劑,抗生素試劑,植物激素及核酸試劑,碳水化合物試劑,色素試劑,維生素試劑,表面活性劑,緩沖試劑,其他生化試劑,標準品對照品類,對照品,對照藥材,標準品,標準試劑,Spectrum試劑,美國藥典級試劑等

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甲硝唑雜質C, 2-(4-Nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl)ethanol




 上海義森生物有限公司:甲硝唑雜質C, 2-(4-Nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl)ethanol



The eTACT project, the EDQMs’ anti-counterfeiting traceability service for medicines was launched. Ukraine became the first country to ratify the Medicrime Convention and the 38th Member of the European Pharmacopoeia Convention and the Republic of Guinea and Singapore received observer status. The ISO 9001:2008 certificate was extended to cover the management of the elaboration, revision, correction and suppression of European Pharmacopoeia texts, their publication in printed and electronic format, as well as their distribution.


On 24 June 2011, The EDQM signed a trilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the People's Republic of China (SATCM) and its National Key Institute of TCM Quality Control (NKI-TCM).
ISO 9001:2008 certificate was extended to the market surveillance of finished medicinal products and issuance of guidelines for the release of human immunological and blood derivative medicinal products.


Memorandums of Understanding are signed with the National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation (NIFDS), Korea Food and Drug Administration, and the Chinese National Institute of Food and Drug Control (NIFDC), respectively.
The EDQM takes over responsibility for the establishment, preparation, storage and distribution of WHO International Chemical Reference Substances (ICRS).


英國政府化學家實驗室(Laboratory of the Government Chemist, LGC)成立于1842年,迄今已有近170年的歷史。自1870年以來,LGC即為法定的英國政府化學實驗室,是食品安全領域政府和業界糾紛案件的法定仲裁者。LGC標準品公司是LGC有限公司重要組成部分,也是歐洲zui綜合全面的標準物質提供者。LGC醫藥雜質標準品不僅可用于藥物成分及劑型中雜質的鑒別與控制,為藥物的申報與審批過程提供詳實可靠的數據,同時也用于分析方法的建立與驗證,緊密地參與例行的質控管理過程。


上海義森生物有限公司:甲硝唑雜質C, 2-(4-Nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl)ethanol


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