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Neisseria sicca


Neisseria sicca




 上海義森生物有限公司:Neisseria sicca

 The National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC) is the global leader in the field of biological standardisation, responsible for developing and producing over 90% of the International Standards in use around the world to assure the quality of biological medicines. The Institute is the UK's Official Medicines Control Laboratory (OMCL), responsible for testing of biological medicines within the framework of the European Union. NIBSC scientists have an international reputation for excellence in research and are widely consulted on issues of biological medicine safety and efficacy. The Institute has a particularly close relationship with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and is the leading WHO International Laboratory for Standards.


  上海義森生物有限公司:Neisseria sicca

Stem cells are, potentially, one of the most important emerging biotherapeutic medicines. The use of stem cells holds out hope for a treatment for a range of health problems including spinal trauma, diabetes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
The key to the success of this new technology is that consistent, quality-assured and defined cell lines can be provided to accredited researchers. This is especially important as there is a considerable potential for profit and thus a potential for misuse of these new medicines. A dedicated and independent cell bank is essential if stem cells are to achieve their potential as a biological medicine of the future.
In order to further this new and exciting area of medicine, the UK government has made a commitment to UK research and development in this area and money was made available through the research councils for a cell banking facility, entirely dedicated to holding stem cells, for both research and, eventually, therapeutic use.



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