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Milestone of 3,000 USP Reference Standards
Public Health Supported by Breadth of Quality Standards
Rockville, Md., March 5, 2013 — In a milestone representing a significant contribution to public health, the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) announces that it has grown its portfolio of reference standards to now include 3,000 items. USP Reference Standards are highly characterized samples of active pharmaceutical ingredients and impurities, food chemicals, and dietary supplements and their ingredients. Regulators and manufacturers use USP Reference Standards to assess products’ conformity to standards of identity, quality, purity and strength. USP Reference Standards are specified in the monographs of the U.S. Pharmacopeia and National Formulary USP–NF), USP’s flagship compendia of quality standards; the Food Chemicals Codex (for food ingredients), the Dietary Supplements Compendium, and the new Medicines Compendium. Drugs sold or manufactured in the United States are required by law to comply with standards published in the USP–NF, and these standards are enforceable by the Food and Drug Administration.



USP, of course, but also for all stakeholders interested in advancing public health,” said Roger L. Williams, M.D., chief executive officer at USP. “USP relies on our volunteer experts who, with staff, set the standards, and on the manufacturers who donate the monographs and materials from which many of our standards are derived. Both are equally crucial in the standards-setting process, and I want to take this opportunity to thank all who understand the importance of public standards.”
Dr. Williams also noted USP’s focused effort over the last decade to strengthen USP’s public standards. This effort is ongoing, and is summarized in USP’s policy statements and in a stimuli article.
USP distributes thousands of units of its Reference Standards every year to customers in more than 140 countries around the world. The breadth and depth of the USP catalog means that regulators and manufacturers have the fullest available complement of publicly available standards to help ensure the quality of medicines, foods and dietary supplements throughout the supply chain, from manufacturers to practitioners, patients and consumers.



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